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Public Works

covington public works employees Mission Statement: The mission statement of the City of Covington Public Works Department is to provide, control, and maintain reliable and cost-effective public works facilities and systems in a manner that emphasizes customer satisfaction, public service, and the long-term best interest of the community.


Tim Haynes
Public Works Director


Vision Statement: "The Department will strive to enhance Covington's quality of life, and through sound management, innovation, teamwork and vision, provide dependable, high quality, responsive public works and utilities services, consistent with community values and at reasonable costs to Covington's citizens, businesses, institutions, and visitors."

Public Works Committee Meeting Agendas

Click here to view a letter from Covington Public Works to Covington Water users.



Grass clippings, hedge cuttings, and leaves will be removed by the City of Covington only if placed at the curbside in plastic bags.  Leaves that are raked into piles and windrows at the curbside between October 15th and February 1st will be picked up by the City of Covington using vacuum machines.